Entergy Mississippi, LLC


All of the provisions of each rate schedule you are about to access apply when calculating a bill for service. The amount of a bill for service will be modified by any optional Rate Riders selected by the Customer or other Rate Riders that must apply.

Copies of Entergy Mississippi, LLC tariffs are provided for informational purposes only as a convenience to our customers. Your use is subject to the terms contained in the "Legal Information" page on this website. The official tariff documents are on file with the Mississippi Public Service Commission. If there are differences between the electronic copies on this website and the official tariff documents on file with the regulatory agencies, the official documents shall prevail. In addition, Entergy Mississippi makes no warranty or representation that a particular tariff/schedule selected by a customer is available to or suitable for that customer. You are encouraged to contact Entergy Mississippi directly to determine whether a particular tariff/schedule is applicable to and/or available for your service requirements.

Note: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print these profiles. Acrobat Reader is free software available from the Adobe website.

Residential Rate Schedules
RS-40C Residential Rate Schedule
RS-40W* Residential Electric Water Heating Rate Schedule
Street/Area Lighting Rate Schedules
DSL-16 Directional Security Lighting Rate Schedule
LED-2 LED Street and Area Lighting Rate Schedule
PAL-17 Private Area Lighting Rate Schedule
Riders and Rate Adjustments
FRP-7 Formula Rate Plan Rider Schedule (Third Revised)
Record of Formula Rate Plan Adjustment Used In Billing
SD-9 Storm Damage Rate Schedule (Second Revised)
Record of Storm Damage Rider Adjustment Used In Billing
SDMRR-1 Storm Damage Mitigation and Restoration Rider Schedule
Record of Storm Damage Mitigation and Restoration Rider Adjustment Used In Billing
MSE-3 Middle South Energy Rider Schedule (Revised)
MSE-4 Middle South Energy Rider Schedule (Second Revised)
Record of MSE/RM Adjustment Used In Billing
PMR-14 Power Management Rider Schedule (Revised)
Record of Power Management Rider Adjustment Used In Billing
UPC-4 Unit Power Cost Recovery Rider Schedule (Revised)
Record of Unit Power Cost Recovery Rider Adjustment Used In Billing
ATA-3 Ad Valorem Tax Adjustment Rider Schedule (Revised)
Record of Ad Valorem Tax Rider Adjustment Used In Billing
ECR-4 Energy Cost Recovery Rider Schedule (Revised)
Record of Energy Cost Recovery Adjustment Used In Billing
Record of Income Tax and Regulatory Tax Adjustments Used in Billing
SRC-1 System Restoration Charge Rider Schedule (Revised)
Record of System Restoration Charge Rider Adjustment Used In Billing
MISO-2 MISO Cost & Revenue Rider Adjustment in Billing
Record of MISO Cost & Revenue Rider Adjustment Used in Billing
NEM-2 Net Energy Metering Rider Schedule
GMR-1 Grid Modernization Rider Schedule (Second Revised)
Record of Grid Modernization Rider Adjustment Used in Billing
RC-1 Restructuring Credit Rider Schedule (Revised)
Record of Restructuring Credit Rider Adjustment Used in Billing
VM-1 Vegetation Management Rider Schedule
Record of Vegetation Management Rider Adjustment Used in Billing
Other Rider Schedules
BB-2 Budget Billing Rider Schedule (Revised)
PES-1 Prepay Electric Service
Service Policies
Service Policy
Character of Service Available
Policy for the Extension of Underground Electric Distribution Facilities
Policy for the Extension of Overhead Electric Distribution Facilities